
Attending CAV 2023 in Paris from July 17th to 22nd

Equation-Directed Axiomatization of Lustre Semantics to Enable Optimized Code Validation, a paper with L. Brun, C. Garion and X. Thirioux accepted at EMSOFT'23

Computation of invariant sets for discrete‐time uncertain systems with E. Khalife, D. Abou Jaoude, and M. Farhood publish in the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

Participating to Mathworks Research Summit 2023 in Natick, MA on June 22-23rd

Code-Level Formal Verification of Ellipsoidal Invariant Sets for Linear Parameter-Varying Systems with E. Khalife, and M. Farhood presented at NASA Formal Methods 2023 in Houston, TX on May 16-18th

Participation to VSTTE 2023 Program Committee

Participation to SMC-IT 2023 Program Committee

Participation to FMICS 2023 Program Committee

Z. Matta, R. Barbier, Z. Ezzahed and Q. Vaquier got an abstract accepted at GAMA Days 2021. Congrats!

Probabilistic swarms guidance within the Gama-platform

Dylan Janak's Paper Accepted at TAC

Exact Computation of Maximal Invariant Sets for Safe Markov Chains—Lattice Theoretic Approach