CAVALE - Collaboration d'analyses pour la vérification d'erreurs à l'exécution. RT 2/14888

ASBAPROD Assurance Basée Produit - Rapport final, RF 4/13733

CAVALE - Etat de l'art. RT 1/14888

Impacts of static analysis on current development process - D2.2.1 ES-PASS Project. RT 1/13009

New development processes - D2.4.1 ES-PASS Project. RT 2/13009

Qualifiation of tools - D2.5.1 ES-PASS Project. RT 3/13009

ASBAPROD - Mise en oeuvre systématique de l'approche sur la Phase 1, RT 3/13733

Assurance basée sur le produit (ASBAPROD), RT 2/13733

Concern-based Specification and Analysis using Abstract Interpretation - A Distributed Case

Static Safety for an Actor Dedicated Process Calculus by Abstract Interpretation