
Automatic synthesis of k-inductive piecewise quadratic invariants for switched affine control programs

Abstract Among the various critical systems that are worth to be formally analyzed, a wide set consists of controllers for dynamical systems. Those programs typically execute an infinite loop in which simple computations update internal states and …

Formal Verification for Embedded Implementation of Convex Optimization Algorithms

Foundations of Intelligent Additive Manufacturing

PEA Valencia : Etat d'avancement à T0+3. RT 1/26976

PEA Valencia : Etat d'avancement à T0+9. RT 1/26977

Rapport final CAFEIN. RT 3/21071

Rapport final de l'Etude CNES : Vérification formelle de code généré automatiquement - R S16-BS0004-045 - COMPARAISON SCADE/LUSTRE/SIMULINK. RT 3/26308

Rapport final de l'Etude CNES : Vérification formelle de code généré automatiquement - R S16-BS0004-045. RT 2/26308

Rapport final VORACE. RT 2/26614

Semi-Definite Programs for Discrete-time Piecewise Affine Systems